videogames and the effects model - 7
videogames and the effects model
Proposed by Albert Bandura, it stipulates that media has a direct effect on us.
assumption: Representations of violence can 'model' or demonstrate violent behaviour, and audiences 'copy' violent and socially unacceptable behaviour they see in media products
- not everyone who plays violent video games are violent
- everyone interprets and is affected by videogames in different ways
Bandura's theory is kind of limited, and is only used for the videogame industry
But in everyday life, this theory is really popular. Someone might not have a clue about who Stuart Hall or Henry Jenkins are, but they will tell you without a shadow of a doubt that violent videogames make people violent. A blanket statement like this has massive issues
hypodermic media model- passive theory
after WW2 it was believed that the German's were different in nature in order for them to commit their actions.
the bobo doll experiment
- children coppied the adults violence
The effects model and Assassin's Creed
if young children play the game they are more easily influenced, playing a murderer for fun.
throughout the game there are notifications that give instructions that helps
the columbine Massacre, 1999- in the trial was linked to the doom game, 1993. doom was blamed for the massacre as well as dungeons and dragons. however, millions of people have played this game and very few have killed people as a result.
- How might this game affect it's audience?
- If we are to believe the effects model and to take it at face value, what behavior in this gameplay could be copied?
- What elements from this gameplay footage may cause concern for parents, teachers and other caregivers?
- What positive messages might this game give?
Issues with the effects model
violence is the only way through a game and reinforces that violence is the only way forward and an acceptable
however, there is no evidence that media games have a direct affect on people (apart from children and those with mental health)
Unlike every other theory we look at in media studies, the effects model is pretty much included to be criticised.
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