Key theory 14 - the cultural industries - David Hesmondhalgh

Key theory 14 - the cultural industries - David Hesmondhalgh 

Horizontal integration - Where a company buys "other companies in the same sector to reduce the competition for audiences"
E.g. Disney acquired Marvel  
This creates a monopolistic business 

Vertical integration- Where a company buys "up other companies involved in different stages of the production and circulation" 

Conglomeration- A conglomerate is a corporation that consists of a group of businesses dealing in different 

Producers and distributers 
Producer- the company that makes a media product
distributor- the company that puts a media product out
Distributor- the process where a media product ends up with an audience...

Black panther is a super hero film produced by marvel studios. it was distributed by Walt Disney studios motion pictures. Marvel studios was acquired by Walt Disney in 2009 for $4 billion.

Distributed by a major, vertically integrated film studio that is part of a media conglomerate is significant funding, cross-promotion and global audience. 

Why did Disney purchase Marvel?
-To eliminate competition 

USP- unique selling point 
- For black panther it is the cultural celebration of black culture 
It subverts hegemonic norms and ideals of superhero films where we expect to see a white person in the main role. 


  • Protagonists is black - big deal in the 1970s
  • Female character isn't normally the lead
  • Action lead with a black female lead 
  • Inner city setting with scenes from underpasses 
  • The music is specific to the black audience - funk, soul, r&b
  • Very specific slang used within black culture
  • Represent working class - Coffy is a nurse 
  • Relevant to culture (stereotypical) - drugs, crime, violence

the purpose of art - something that is designed to influence emtions and change the world and create meaning. But, putting a price on art changes its meaning because art is subjective. 



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