staurt hall

 Stuart hall's audience theory 

preferred reading

negotiated reading 

oppositional reading 

Henry Jenkins 

  • fandom refers to a particular organised and motivated audience of a certain media producer franchise 
  • unlike the generic audience or the classic soectaor, fans are active participants in the construction and circulation of textual meaning
  • fans appropriate texts and read them in ways that are not fully intended by the media producers (textual poaching) examples of tis may manifest in conventions, fan fiction and so on
  • rather than just a video game or watch a tv show, fans construct their social and cultural identities through borrowing and utilising mass culture images, and may use this 'subcultural capital' to form social bonds. for example, through online forums like reddit and 4chan

Shirky- end of audience

  • the internet and digital technologies have had a profound effect on the relationship between media and individuals 
  • the conceptualisation of audience members as passive consumers of mass media content is no longer tenable in the age of the internet
  • media consumers have now become producers as they 'speak back' to the media in various ways as well as creating and sharing content with one another 

Late night women's hour- make up on public transport 

lexis - language 
how is this used target its audience?
  • targeting middle aged, class white British women, don't use slang- casual but perhaps still quite formal?- swear words ('shitty') imply that the audience is definitely more older in age, 
  • use specific make-up terminology when in the discussion, speaking from a female perspective that could be relatable to a female audience, PATRIACHRY, 
  • older age- middle aged women- school runs, always doing things no time for themselves 

mode of address- formal/ informal 
  • informal- chatting 
  • still uses complex terminology 

would I listen?

Stuart hall

  • preferred reading- conversation that discusses hegemonic expectations and the 'behaviour' of people in society- interchangeable and fluid in conversation- diverse conversation 
  • chatty and informal while still providing conversation that is still going to be stimulating and relatable 
  • female perspective- giving more of a voice to females in a female space 
  • empower women and provides an outlet for women to 'vent' and relate 
  • critical of hegemony and patriarchy 

  • oppositional reading- 'feel sorry for men' only a minority wish to improve themselves'
  • their age affects their opinion and the audience they might attract 


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