Film industry

Introduction to the film industry

  • The only reason any media product exists is to make a profit (money)  
  • Film is a specialised institution 
  • Film started in the late 19th century 

  • Standard films are now made in colour
  • No sound, silent film (non-synchronised sound)
  • Most films less than a minute - would cost to much to do any longer 
  • Now a more of a story more complex line 
  • Single shot - no editing, cuts or zoom or tracking shot (camera to heavy to move) 

  • Film is a standardised product - specialist 
  • started in LA Hollywood because of the sun - needed to be sunny for old cameras to work 
  • Early on women dominated by women - female directors - not taken serious seen as a Hobby bit arts and crafts -> hegemonic values shift to a patriotic power over film production once it started to make money men took over 

Spatial continuity - audience know where they are 

Film industry key terms 

The studio system - Disney, fox, paramount, dream works, warner brothers, universal pictures, Lionsgate, Marvel
The film industry is only owned by a few studios 

Production- The process of making a film 

Distribution- Giving something out (theatrical distribution) 

Conglomeration- when one company buys out another company 

Vertical/horizontal intergration-

Digital technologies- Anything that uses a computer 

Regulation- The rules that the media industry have to follow e.g. age rating 

Convergence- The coming together of different media industries 

Exhibition- To show something 

What has changed- recent development 

  • The internet 
  • We have a vast variety of different experiences 
  • all due to digital technology 


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