
Showing posts from September, 2019

Lint Lindor- 'Do you dream in chocolate?' (2011)

Polysemy- multiple meanings Lint Lindor (2011) Voice over: seductive voice, white middle class- reflects audience, connotations of her soft voice reflect the silky chocolate. 'Passion' enthusiastic but can also be Chocolate chef: lint is of extreme importance, master chocolatier not a factory worker on minimum wage- a chef profession, looks European makes the product more luxurious, men in control Sexual: Children do not get this as it is not sexual, however it is an adult interpretation, her eyes closing is a symbolic representation of an orgasm.  Men/Women: the man is at work creating a craft, where as the woman is at home with no job. Anchorage: a mean that weighs down a message  Pepsi Superbowl advert (2019) Ethnicity: Targeting a white working class, relatable, bland, boring. White people are boring, but are relate able and pepsi could then excitement  Location:  Whip pan: when the camera moves really quickly, with a sound effect making it m...

KEY THEORY 6: Stuart Hall- Theories of representation


Introduction to representation

Introduction to representation Representation is to show again.  Representation- The ways in which a media product constructs the world and aspects in it, including social groups, individuals, issues and events. Representations Construct Reality.  How to write and talk about representation  who or what is being represented? how is the representation constructed through media language? what ideology is presented about the represented group? how is this representation impacting society and the group being represented? 

Binary opposites

'The purpose of publicity is to make the spectator marginally dissatisfied with his present way of life, not with the way of life of society, but with his own within it. It suggests that if he buys what it is offering, his life will become better. It offers him an improved alternative to what he is"- Adverts work negatively to promote what is wrong and missing Ideology : the beliefs and values of a media product. Dominant ideology : The set of ideas or cultures which are most common or widely accepted in a society. The dominant ideology can change over time. Britain: posh, tea, queen, respect royal family, human rights, health care (NHS), no guns, drinking age 18, driving 17, free education, private schools, no public hate, 

KEY THEORY 4: Structuralism, Claude Levi-Strauss

Claude Levi-Strauss Structuralism  Binary Opposition:  Where two concepts, messages or values are presented in direct opposition with another, Levi-Strauss suggested that our perception of the world is based on binary oppositions One of the purposes of Binary Opposition is that having two completely contrasting characters creates humorous situations It also emphasises things about the characters Allows shows to appeal to multiple audiences Easy to write a show about binary oppositions, already have the story  Character archetypes: character types that come up very frequently in media


Tide is a brand leader within America Heavy-duty machine cleaning Procter &Gamble launched Tide in 1946 The D'Arcy 'The house wife' LIFE STYLE: happiness, joy, clean REINFORCEMENT: connotations of happiness shown in her face COLOUR: use of bright and bold colours, red, white and blue: symbolise American flag and the American dream, patriotic. RED: love + power TYPE: bold, large type face, 'tide' in red to make it stand out chanting tide over and over to reinforce its importance in the audiences mind.  HOUSE WIFE: you know she's a house wife because she is constantly in close proximity to tide, washing or a washing machine. Gives a message or a stereotype of women. STEREOTYPE: house wife, does not work and only cleans to maintain her house  IMAGERY: dominated by imagery, so more people can understand the advert, assumptions about audience: stereotype about women not being  particularly  intelligent.  MODES OF ADD...

print- Maybelline New York Advert

'Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline' Photoshop and editing makes the product appear better composition: nothing is covering her face, this is because she is attractive and importance. (the composition emphasises how attractiveness and importance). Her open skin may also sell other products such as misé on scene:  Language: "don't just apply" criticising the way people apply mascara and making the audience feel unsatisfied with their life. Font:  use of bold font represents the bold mascara. Colour: her blue eyes are light and contrasts with the darkness of the mascara emphasising her beauty. Setting: New York, busy, high fashion, rich, stylish, exotic (stereotype)

THEORY 1: Roland Barthes- Semiotics

Semiotics- Roland Barthes (1) signs, signifier, signified Signs - Anything that can have meaning Signified - The meaning that is created this element of media language -> means that. Signifie r- The thing that creates meaning Codes: in media studies codes refer to any element of media language that creates meaning for the audience. Hermeneutic code: also known as enigma codes, these refer to something within the media product that creates mystery or suspense. E.g. The gaze of a model functions as a hermeneutic code, asking the audience where she is looking?  Proairetic codes: also known as action code, something in a media product that suggests that something will happen.  Symbolic codes: something within media product that creates a deeper meaning for the audience. LEXIS: type of language used MODE OF ADDRESS: how the audience is addressed and directed 


Avoid common sense answer. Using black and white colour scheme  makes the scene look more classical  An advert is an advertisement to sell an idea  The purpose of an advert is make an audience feel dissatisfied with their life. Making the audience feel bad about something they don't have. Lack confidence Television, radio, billboards, targeted adds (cookies), print- main picture of the image/sometimes a model/name of product Semiotics- Roland Barthes (1) signs, signifier, signified Signs- Anything that can have meaning Signified- The meaning that is created this element fo media language -> means that. Signifier- The thing that creates meaning Adverts do NOT sell a product they sell an idea or lifestyle created by the product if you buy it.  The girl on the left has here eyes closer to the audience creating a more innocent look. This could then attract a younger audience. however, this contrasts with the girl on the right creating an 's'...


Hiya this is my new blog, and to start off I'm gonna say a little about myself. I love music but I don't have one particular style that I only listen to. As a result I don't have a favourite band or artist and most of my favourite songs are ones that I have good memories or associate with people rather than simply liking the song on its own. Saying that I will listen to most music anyway. My favourite songs are miracle man- Oliver Tree, should have taken acid with you- Neon Indian, Whatever it takes- Convolk, Nightmares- Easy life and many more... Donnie Darko (2001) I tend to watch films that are not always new but ones that I get told about or recommended and often become some of my favourites. However I don't watch them that regularly, because I don't want to get bored of a film and no longer enjoy it. Two films I enjoy is Bee movie and Donnie Darko. Bee movie to me is just a classic from my childhood and as a result a film that makes me feel good, which I ...

1st year suspense sequence terms

Film editing terms Editing - the manipulation of film  Cut - transitioning between two shots  Shot - uninterrupted sequence of film  Rapid fore editing - super short shots to create speed  Misé-en-scene - every thing in the scene E.g. actors, lighting, props, setting  Cinematography -  Low angle shot-  where the camera is below the subject  High angle shot - the camera is above the shot  Shot type - distance from camera to subject  Close up - the camera is close to the subject Long shot - when the camera is far away from the subject Mid shot - the camera is between a long and close shot  Positioning - the way in which the text locates the members of the audience (how close the audience is to the subject or characters)  Print editing terms Z-line: directs audience's eye line Rule of thirds: images are divided into a grid of 9 and elements of the image should fit into a third in order for it to make t...