Tide is a brand leader within America
Heavy-duty machine cleaning
Procter &Gamble launched Tide in 1946
The D'Arcy
'The house wife'
'The house wife'
LIFE STYLE: happiness, joy, clean
REINFORCEMENT: connotations of happiness shown in her face
COLOUR: use of bright and bold colours, red, white and blue: symbolise American flag and the American dream, patriotic.
RED: love + power
RED: love + power
TYPE: bold, large type face, 'tide' in red to make it stand out chanting tide over and over to reinforce its importance in the audiences mind.
HOUSE WIFE: you know she's a house wife because she is constantly in close proximity to tide, washing or a washing machine. Gives a message or a stereotype of women.
STEREOTYPE: house wife, does not work and only cleans to maintain her house
IMAGERY: dominated by imagery, so more people can understand the advert, assumptions about audience: stereotype about women not being particularly intelligent.
anchorage:the way the meaning of a media product is 'fixed' by elements of media language (for example colour, performance, editing and lexis...)
TOP: the two heading and slogans are in red being bold as if to shout the message. sans serif: informal to be relate able. Hand painted letters: more personal, not as professional increasing the target audience.
'tides got what women want': targeting all women and how they should live and use. The line doesn't fit and is bent round to have the large font to create the impact but still fit across the top as their main point.
'no wonder you women buy more tide than any other wash day product': women do the washing
'you women': all the same, mans voice direct at one gender (excludes men)
RIGHT WOMAN: extremely happy, continues red, white and blue. stereotypical 1950's clothes and makeup. overly dressed up with makeup and nice clothes for washing. this is very attractive and glamorous for washing, showing her role is to look good perhaps for her husband. Creating
mise-ene-scene of soap bubbles exaggerates how bubbly the product is and how effective it is at cleaning. making it obvious to the audience that it is a cleaning product. no representation of other ethnicity, 'whitest' could
BRAND RECOGNITION: repeating the name of the product makes it more recognisable
DOES ALL THREE: 'cleanest, whitest, brightest' in red associated with tide which is also red.
'world whitest wash' alliteration
hyperbolic: over the top, exaggerated E.g. 'it's a miracle!'
IDEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: There are no men in the advert promoting women being the cleaners of the house. She looks happy and powerful, however she has gained her power and dominance in the house through cleaning. Reflecting a message in society.
WHY?: makes it easier to sell a product. Re enforcing the idealistic ideology in society to help sell the product as it reflects society. it also helps create society as it becomes the dominant ideology. 32
Female, middle class, age 20-35
anchorage:the way the meaning of a media product is 'fixed' by elements of media language (for example colour, performance, editing and lexis...)
TOP: the two heading and slogans are in red being bold as if to shout the message. sans serif: informal to be relate able. Hand painted letters: more personal, not as professional increasing the target audience.
'tides got what women want': targeting all women and how they should live and use. The line doesn't fit and is bent round to have the large font to create the impact but still fit across the top as their main point.
'no wonder you women buy more tide than any other wash day product': women do the washing
'you women': all the same, mans voice direct at one gender (excludes men)
RIGHT WOMAN: extremely happy, continues red, white and blue. stereotypical 1950's clothes and makeup. overly dressed up with makeup and nice clothes for washing. this is very attractive and glamorous for washing, showing her role is to look good perhaps for her husband. Creating
mise-ene-scene of soap bubbles exaggerates how bubbly the product is and how effective it is at cleaning. making it obvious to the audience that it is a cleaning product. no representation of other ethnicity, 'whitest' could
BRAND RECOGNITION: repeating the name of the product makes it more recognisable
DOES ALL THREE: 'cleanest, whitest, brightest' in red associated with tide which is also red.
'world whitest wash' alliteration
hyperbolic: over the top, exaggerated E.g. 'it's a miracle!'
IDEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: There are no men in the advert promoting women being the cleaners of the house. She looks happy and powerful, however she has gained her power and dominance in the house through cleaning. Reflecting a message in society.
WHY?: makes it easier to sell a product. Re enforcing the idealistic ideology in society to help sell the product as it reflects society. it also helps create society as it becomes the dominant ideology. 32
Female, middle class, age 20-35
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