the mail online
we are engaging in a process of mediation with the producer
representation- is presenting something again (often a changed version, only parts of something to change opinions)
media language builds up representations- every image has been constructed through construction
PEA- Point, Evidence, Argument
1. the group, place or issue on which a media text is focusing
2. the technical devices the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues
3. the message about the group or issue being created within the text
4. the impact of this message on the target audience
example: it reenforces the expectation that women should act as sexual objects
reenforces a patriarchal hegemonic hegemonic ideology in society
the mail online: the online version of the daily mail
the mail online
targeting women 30-50
an advantage of digital newspapers is they target an audience that would never normally reads newspapers
representation- is presenting something again (often a changed version, only parts of something to change opinions)
media language builds up representations- every image has been constructed through construction
PEA- Point, Evidence, Argument
1. the group, place or issue on which a media text is focusing
2. the technical devices the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues
3. the message about the group or issue being created within the text
4. the impact of this message on the target audience
example: it reenforces the expectation that women should act as sexual objects
reenforces a patriarchal hegemonic hegemonic ideology in society
the mail online: the online version of the daily mail
the mail online
targeting women 30-50
an advantage of digital newspapers is they target an audience that would never normally reads newspapers
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