Curran and Seaton- 12- power and media industries A-level beauty
The only reason any media product exists is to make money
They make money through: 30% revenue is made through advertising
70% revenue through cover price
Mass market 40+ audience of women: woman magazine
(says on corporate website)
Curran and Seaton- 12- power and media industries
If a media is only controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by profit and power
Media concentration limits variety, creativity and quality
More socially diverse patterns of ownership can create more varied and adventurous media productions
moral panic- media panic- beneficial for the newspapers/ magazines because people want to read about it
reinforce dominant ideologies- why people read the news
woman- pre-war ideology
A-level beauty
- dominant hegemonic ideologyise
- simplistic words (lexis)
- questions the audience (rhetorical questions)- "are you..?"
- A(advanced) beauty- target audience is 40+, high school qualification, but to the audience this is the highest level of qualification- no higher. also compares 40+ woman to teenagers.thats as good as they can be, best part of life is being 18. are they as beautiful as an a18 year old, pushes idea that anyone older is not beautiful. Have to aspire to look younger.
- the idea that this is a game is very childish (how you score) not appropriate for 40+
- use of the word "tactics" makes it sound like a game
- repeatedly called "girls"- inappropriate (patronising)
- infantilisation- turning them into teenagers
- 'they are far prettier than they are' - this is negging - men are benefitting from forcing women to feel bad about themselves and lose confidence, so they are more likely to be with men and attract them
- 'tactic' - the lexis suggests this is a battle, as a woman toy need to fight to attract men
- Van Zoonen - the male gaze, women are there to be looked at, to make a spectacle
- if women are told over and over again that they are ugly, if they are put in their place then men can rule in society
to what extent is the regularity framework of magazines in the UK effective?
- very little in woman magazine is controversial
- nothing breaks IPSO regulation guide lines
- woman magazine was easy to regulate- nothing online
- turn the question around- woman does not break regulations - HOWEVER, it does manipulate the audience to suit hegemonic ideologies about beauty
- can talk about a level beauty in terms of: industry, representation, audience
IPSO guide lines
- cant intrude on peoples privacy
- child protection laws
- naming people involved in crimes
- cant harass or intimidate someone
- cant comment on suicide
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