
Adbusters - Atypical

  • What is the ideology/ethos of Adbusters?

fuck-you to corporate advertising and consumer culture

  • How does Adbusters subvert traditional magazine conventions, especially in relation to advertising?

  • How does the magazine interact with its audience?

use of the website, woman magazine didn't have access to, interacts with audience through confrontational negative mode of adress.
has a website and letters page

women's magazine
  • stereotypical- women's roles- of the time it was made- 1964, post war, first wave feminism been and gone, women liberation movement
  • 60s- hippy, drugs,LSDD, cannabis, mini skirts (this is not talked about in women's magazine)
  • doesn't fit women's magazine's ideologies
  • right wing, conservative, patriarchal
  • reinforce hegemonic patriarchal values

Max Factor

binary opposition- women's clothes compared to mens, demonstrate
Male Gaze- van zoonen, women are only in a productto be looked at by men
voyeristic mode of adress
reinforce ideology women should wear make up for men- in whole magazine ever women has make up on


full face of make up in a bath, constructed, not typical, constructs hyperrealistic representation
boring to keep dedicated audience to make money, maintains singular straight froward audience
condesending mode of adress, nothing challenging

VS. clean bath

not sexualised
highlight wrinkles in hands
natural- voyeristic
not highlighting the face, not trying to sell product through beauty

Alfred Hitchcock

the interview reinforces ideology that for a woman to be successful they must be with a rich man.


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