assassin's creed: valhalla and the role of trailers

assassin's creed: Valhalla and the role of trailers 

to pre-order costs at least £59.99

for this unit we only look at industry and audience... 

how does this trailer target a specialised and a generalised audience?
-assassin's creed targets a mass audience 

has high production values (the use of fur and hair and hard to make so is an indication of a high production value)

pre-rendered graphics are used in the trailer 

paradigmatic features of film trailers (genre conventions of a film trailer) 
  • voice over explaining the narrative
  • range of different scene 
  • hint of wider narrative 
targets a wider audience that may nt be gamers as it relates moree to a filom in the trailer 

clear narrative- good/bad

demonstrates intertextuality
- has all elements of assassins creed games 
- has elements of other fantasy films such as lord of the rings and game of thrones in dark setting (pre-existing fan base)

Ubisoft are a French company- but has a universal target audience, they do this through well known historical events (Vikings), uses universal themes (blood and violence)

this game is extremely high budget so must look as mainstream as possible, it cannot do anything strange and have as much content as possible 

digital convergence allows the trailer to be shared on line so can target a  larger audience to get maximum profit  


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