

one media product makes reference to another- often used in comedy (eg. Simpsons)

doesn't make loads of direct references 
has more hidden and symbolic depth- reference to sexual explicit and horror films- way women are represented 
provides gratification to those who are film enthusiastic (even if they don't like the music they can appreciate the references and enjoy it)
-the iconography heavily references the horror genre 

Suspiria - Italian horror film (1977)
-week and vulnerable female chased by an aggressive male threat
-vibrant primary colours, reminiscent and 1970s European horror films 
-iconographic features- very very red blood and lipstick (in riptiued, has blood in hand and lipstick)
-70s style clothing 

Texas chance saw- (1974)
- features young woman, tormented by fale threat 
-woman escaping her ropes, typical of 70s horror

position audience in uncomfortable mode of address to make them question the deeper meaning and share the video
confusing for the audience, invites them to watch it over and over
highly polysemic, many audience members wont care about the films its referencing, but might just enjoy it 
allows them to target new audiences that the song wouldn't normally target 

makes reference to surrealist- Andalusian dog (1929) (20mins), dream sequence , jumping between narrative and time
-elements of sexual threat and violence 


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