textual analysis riptied
textual analysis- riptide
continuity editing- which a shot flows which the movement of a character
establishing shot (first shot)- mysterious, doesn't establish a obvious location, positions audience in uncomfortable mode of address (panning down)
lists all the elements of the video- example how they want people to watch over an over (all references to horror films)
hard cut- to a woman's face (I was scared of dentists in the dark)
binary opposition of sureness of clouds to harsh
expression connotes violence- prioretic code, suggest something violent is going to happen
(intertextual- hegemonic beautiful women
tortured- horror films)
close up shot next to her from above- audience cant look away (but no mise-en-scene to suggest violence, no blood or violent act)
uncomfortable shot is anchored, emphasised, reinforced through spinning light (anchored its uncomfortable to audience)
(next shot of light spinning) implication- that is the spinning light
use of montage- POV as the woman (dip to black shot that's something has happened)
voyeuristic- positions audience looking at someone without the person knowing they are being watched
book of photographing girls anchors creepiness (slow zoom to show importance)
postmodern reference to a different time- stereotypical 70s clothes
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