Diesel- go with the flaw (2017) + the last of us

Diesel- go with the flow 

Ideology- the beliefs and values of the producer 
Encoding- messages within a media product using media language 

Purpose of any advert is to sell a life style 

Only reason any media product exists is to make money 


Primary audience- group of people that the media product is made for 
Secondary audience- the second audience the media product is aimed at 
Audience- people who watch/use the media product

Producer- the producer encodes the message 

                               ↗                ↘
             producer encodes       audience decodes 
                         text                               text
                    ↗                                     ↘
          producer                               audience

Targeting- aiming a product at a certain audience 
Attracting- make the audience want or get or engage with the product 
Reacher- to speak or reach out or extend to an audience 
Addressing- the way in which a text speaks to its audience 

Image result for the last of us ps3 poster

  • Direct mode of address, we are in the position of the audience.
  • Atypical as there is no threat on the cover suggesting its targeted towards a more mature audience. 
  • The girl is not sexualised suggesting the product is not targeted at a heterosexual male audience rather a female.


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