KEY THEORY 7: David Gauntlet- theories of identity

Representation- the way a media product constructs the world around it. 
the producer makes this.
a representation is a 'REpresentation' a reconstructed reality.  

How can we identify ourselves?

  • Appearance- class in society, personality, job
  • Clothes- identity constructed through dress E.g. goth 
  • Age- E.g. teenager, middle age
  • Nationality
  • Social group 
  • Sexuality
  • Name
  • Accent
  • Religion 
  • Interests 
  • Hobies

KEY THEORY 7: David Gauntlet- theories of identity

Audiences can construct their own identities through what they see on the television.
He believed that there are many more representations of gender than the traditional 'gender binary'.


  • Sporty
  • Athletic
  • Short hair
  • Tall
  • Dominant
  • Unemotional 
  • Strong 
  • short
  • kind
  • smart
  • skinny
  • emotional 
  • Weak 
  • feminine
Our perceptions of gender roles can come from the media, society, government, religion, family. Reenforces our perception of reality and the world. 

Identity is fluid: gender roles change over time. 

Representation is a construction of reality

What is the purpose of charity advert?
To encourage the audience to donate. 
Charity adverts often a take a direct mode of address 
How they work: make the audience feel guilty.

Convention: the things that make up a genre
Positioning: where the audience is positioned  

Case Study
NSPCC- Open your eyes 2000 advert

Conventional advert: demonstrates the venerability of children to make the audience feel guilty.
Close up- personal, uncomfortable, relatable, 
Deliberately designed to make the audience feel uncomfortable. 
Anchoring: weighing down the meaning within an advert. -> the dark lighting and isolated room makes the child look more alone and more sad due to neglect. No child is actually abused in the production, all in the lighting and mise en scene.
Total reconstruction of reality, 
High angle shot- makes audience bigger in an adults position. Puts audience in the position of the abuser, reenforced by the child looking up to the camera and having a negative reaction. 
Message: if you don't donate you are no better or worse than a child abuser, You can stop this by donating.
'The end justifies the means' the manipulation of the audience to feel guilty 
Over a period of time the audience is desensitised to the guilt so after a while the audience no longer donate.  

Barnardo's charity ad                       vert: shock 

Established in 1981, response to a United Nations campaign for clean water, sanitation and water hygiene education. Now works with organisations in 37 African, Asian and central American countries. since 1991 its patron has been prince Charles. Water aid advert wasn't made by them, it was made by an advertising agency: Atomic London created this advert and entire advertising campaign. 


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