Intertextuality- Pot Noodle


Intertextuality- one media product makes reference to another media product 

Pot Noodle- 'You can make it'
  • Targeted at working class from the north, shown in the accent and the rundown
  • north- the gym (Roky intertextuality training to be a boxer training to be a boxer, people look down on him) training on a council estate street, poor working class all he has.
  • His house his gym and the overall setting is 't.v. ugly' as we expect everyone to be attractive on adverts
  • Binary opposition- poor northerner in the middle of bright Vegas. 
  • Natural reaction to feel disgusting because he is dong a ring girls job, designed to look sexy, however he is 't.v. ugly' he is not sexy and is very skinny not living up to mens stereotypically muscly men.
  • Takes attention away from the Pot noodle. 
  • Wastes the audiences time as they expect him to become a boxer but is a disappointment to expectations.
  • Black man


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