The National Lottery- 'This girl can, What about you?'

This girl can

  • The stereotype of larger women is that they are embarrassed to exercise due to their size compared to a more stereotypically skinny athletic women. 
  • The montage of women 'jiggling bodies' include close up of female flesh. 
  • This girl can campaign advert subverts stereotypical representation of women.
  • The on screen graphic use stereotypically negative words 'sweat like a pig'.
  • Voyeurism- the audience is positioned in a voyeuristic position, with a close up of certain body parts forcing the audience to face what people look like. 
  • Close up shows confidence of the women. 
  • 'Sweat like a pig, feel like a fox'- connotations of being sexy, while pig connotes feeling gross and disgusting.  
  • Contrast between light and dark shows binary opposite to then make each scene stand out more.
  • stereotypically unladylike to sweat and look a 'mess' challenges this
  • if you exercise you will look sexy and hot 'feel like fox' while you do it 
  • National Lottery 


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