Feminist Theory- Liesbet Van Zoonen 

  • Men's bodies and women's bodies are encoded in completely different ways in media products, and constructed through media language
  • Additionally, women's bodies are used as spectacles to sell media products. therefore there is an assumption that the audience is always without exception a heterosexual man.
Protein World, The weight loss collection 
  • This advert then reenforces the ideal body type.
  • The only acceptable body on beaches 
  • Only thing known about the women on the advert is that she is attractive, sexualised 
Sexualisation, the process of making something or someone sexual 
Objectification, the process of making somebody into an object 
Subjugation, the process of removing someones power or making them powerless

HEGEMONY: where one group wields power over another, not through domination, but through coercion and consent 

The real power of people is through hegemonic power

Hegemonic power
  • The school system 
  • Parents (family hegemony)
  • Financial hegemony (we do not need money to live) 
  • Social hegemony (weird actions that are not considered normal, fear of other judgement)
  • Stereotypical hegemony (boys wear blue, girls wear pink)
  • Patriarchal hegemony (world rules by men e.g. men) 

non-hegemonic power
  • military conquest
  • tax (depending on wealth)


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